Please donate and help the grieving family!!

Many of you probably have heard about this tragic accident on the Southern State Parkway in New York last Saturday. Five lives endend just like that. An entire family is now in mourning for a while and they need our help. The amount doesn’t matter. Give what you can and share with everyone you know. For the believers that read me add prayers to the mix please!!

I had the honor of meeting Myriam Lebrun once and have interacted with her on social media as we have friends in common and some of her relatives are in my circles. She had a bubbly personnality that could light up a room instantly!

Here’s the link to donate  Send Our Angels Home

Here’s the news story about this tragic accident 5 Dead, Including 3 Kids, in Fiery Long Island Crash

Thanks in Advance for donating, praying and sharing!!

I think you got the wrong impression…

LustloveWehad crossed paths on multiple occasions. One day you added me on Facebook, Years went back without any type of real interactions besides a few likes here and there on both sides, especially mine I must confess. We both have so many FB friends, one too many to paraphrase you.

One day one of your statuses caught my attention and next thing you know I was scanning your page for hours. A few weeks later, I took that a step further after crossing path with you once again at a happy hour. I sent you an inbox message and we exchange numbers at last.

My thoughts were quite innocent and platonic at the time; given the fact that we hardly knew each other although the friends we had in common are people in my close circles.

Texts and inbox messages slowly became a lot less innocent and catered to our common vivid imagination. We went from wanting to grab coffee to wanting to grab bootie. We skipped all the formalities as you call them.

I just ended an on and more often off extremely toxic relationship and you are «the man every men want to be and that every women want to try» to repeat your own words. So as tempted as I am by you this obviously can’t be anything more than occasional lust my dear. You seem to be convinced that I want more it makes me wonder if perhaps you are the one that go it bad…

I’m not mentally available for anyone but myself, my son, my family, my friends and my goals right now. I thought it was the  same for you. You are so detached, in appearance at least. You have to realize that I’m too old to catch feelings after a few drinks under the stars and nice fireworks under the sheets. We can do this again while I’m in transition if you want but …if you think I want more…

I think You got the wrong impression!

MC Jeanty August 2014

Lost in Lalaland…

keep-calm-and-go-to-lala-landNo, I haven’t lost completely my mind just yet!! I just love my peace of mind.

It is no secret to my readers, followers and entourage that I have been doing quite good. In fact, I’m happier being me a little more every day that passes by, I’ve left behind quite a few people as they were holding me back, Now I’m officially done with my undergrad studies and looking forward to entering the job market and in due time go to grad school.

In previous posts, I have illustrated in various ways how it is often hard for me to say NO to others and more often YES to Myself. I’m doing more of that because I enjoy being lost in Lalaland as much as I can. Their is an incredible feeling of wellness doubled with a sense of freedom that takes over your life once you take that step. 

I can’t avoid the outside world but I can control who enters my private world. I have taken a step back from some, deleted some without looking back. Our mental well being and our happiness is in our hands.

I’m learning to do things in my personal life more on my own terms. The last few months in school have been extremely stressful and some people in my life have added to that ongoing stress. Thankfully I also have a good support system that in the contrary kept the positive vibe going.

I have written about the importance of walking away from people and things that no longer helped us grow as individuals. It is hard to let go of the person and hold on to the good memories you shared with them. It is hard to accept they are not who and what you need anymore and that perhaps they never were.

We often idealize people and turn a blind eye to some of their behaviours that are in fact warning signs to keep it moving. No one is perfect, we all have our flaws, we all made the wrong choices at some point in life but some go beyond that and it is hard to accept when it is someone you came to care about very deeply.

I love my Lalaland, my peaceful place, my fun easy-going crew so when someone or something is disturbing the positive vibe, I choose to either distance myself temporarily and in some cases permanently. It feels so damn good. Some people are like vampires they suck the life out of you. Think of your own equilibrium first. Embrace life!!

Stay in Lalaland….

MC Jeanty, August 2014

Expo Destination Haïti: samedi 9 août-Château Dufresne

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur Haïti et sa culture? Vous êtes d’origine haïtienne mais  désirez mieux connaître Haïti et votre culture d’origine? Vous êtes «Haitianophile»? Vous êtes passionné de tout ce qui concerne Haïti et voulez contribuer à faire rayonner une image plus positive sur cette magnifique île et faire découvrir à votre entourage sa culture?


L’expo Destination Haïti est pour vous!! C’est une activité qui se veut familiale, rassembleuse et intergénérationnelle. Soyez au rendez-vous ce samedi 9 août de 10h à 20h au Château Dufresne situé au 2929 Avenue Jeanne-D’Arc coin Sherbrooke (métro Pie-IX)

Amenez votre famille, vos amis, vos voisins et vos collègues. Un don de 1$/billet vendu sera versé à la Campagne de Financement de la Nouvelle Maison Haïti.
